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El Croquis 228: RCR Arquitectes (2017 - 2024)

Artikelnr.: 217374
Artikeltyp Titel
Erscheinungsjahr 2025
Seiten 368 Seiten, mit zahlr. Abb.
Format KT 25 x 34 cm
Sprache englisch / spanisch
Produktart Zeitschriften
AktVKPreisNettoManuell 83,18
AktVKPreisNettoUSDManuell 93,1
ISBN/ISSN 9788412823431
ISBN_MitManuell 9788412823431
AktuellSubspreisManuell Nein
HasMarktschreierInfoManuell Nein
This edition takes stock of the output of RCR Arquitectes since receiving the Pritzker Prize for Architecture in 2017. Led by principals and co-founders Rafael Aranda, Carme Pigem, and Ramon Vilalta, the relatively unknown – compared to other finalists – Spanish architecture firm was catapulted to global fame with the recognition. Besides featuring nineteen recent projects representing an array of building typologies, including Seibert Bridge, the Soulages Museum extension, Perelada Winery, and a dental clinic, the magazine also includes an essay by Philip Ursprung and an illuminating conversation between the architects of RCR and Santiago de Molina.

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