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Achim Duchow: Blindes Vertrauen

Werkverzeichnis 1971-1993
Artikelnr.: 213971
Artikeltyp Titel
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
Seiten 464 Seiten, mit 114 s/w- u. 594 farb. Abb.
Format KT 24 x 34 cm
Sprache deutsch / englisch
Produktart Bücher
Verlag Spector Books
AktVKPreisNettoManuell 42,99
AktVKPreisNettoUSDManuell 48,1
ISBN/ISSN 9783959057264
ISBN_MitManuell 9783959057264
AktuellSubspreisManuell Nein
HasMarktschreierInfoManuell Nein
A look at the catalogue raisonné of Düsseldorf painter, photographer, and object artist Achim Duchow (1948 – 1993) suggests a complex oeuvre that is ripe for rediscovery. His playful relationship with authorship, subjectivity, and media and the directness with which he addresses the subjects that motivate him have led to the creation of a body of work whose impact is still unfolding today. In over 400 pages, the book lists all the phases of the artist’s oeuvre mapped in chronological order and punctuated by individual essays: the list covers Duchow’s collaboration with Sigmar Polke in the 1970s, the two and a half years he spent in Japan, his return in 1981 to an art scene that had rapidly shifted its focus to marketability, his efforts to construct a new sense of himself as an artist and cultural worker, and his painterly engagement with German history and politics, with colonialism and reunification, and with art informel and constructivism. The catalogue raisonné lists all the works that can be located along with texts by Duchow himself. Close associates and historians shed light on the radical context in which his life unfolded.

Spector Books OHG
Markus Dreßen, Anne König
und Jan Wenzel
Harkortstr. 10
4107 Leipzig

46,00 €
inkl. MwSt. und Versand nach Deutschland* ab € 50 Warenwert. 
Lieferzeit: 2-4 Tage *
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